@Shipra Kumari HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
@Kassandra Dias, HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
@Naina Suresh HR Manager AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@PALLAVI PANDEY BDM Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Keerthana Iyer B [MBA-HR] Manager HR [Internship Incharge] AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
Believe You Can Succeed and You Will
@Swapnil Chaurasia
@Patricia Persis Emmanual HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Swapnil Chaurasia
@Shraddha Kumari (BBA AVIATION) Manager HR Aircrews Aviation Ptd Ltd
@Shreya Kakkar Manager HR Aircrews Aviation Ptd Ltd
Do Time Management Leads To Increased Productivity
@Shipra Kumari HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
Smart Leaders Vs Hard Workers
@Shaivali Tripathi MBA Manager HR AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Anjali Chichani MBA
@SIP 2020 at AIRCREWS AVIATION PVT LTD by Anjali Chichani MBA
@Nisha Jain [MBA FA] Manager Fintech Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@kajal Jha
@Harshada Shinde[MBA FA]
@Anushka Bansal Manager HR Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Alisha Kedia Digital Marketing Manager AirCrew Aviation Pvt Ltd
#Believe You Can #Succeed and You #Will
#Dream, #Big, #Smart, #Leaders,
#DreamBig WorkSmart,
#Action, #Habit,
#anushkabansal, #aircrews
@Anjali Chichani MBA
#Smart Leaders Vs Hard Workers
#Habits of #BigDreamers,
#Believe You Can #Succeed and You #Will
#Dream, #Big, #Smart, #Leaders,
#DreamBig WorkSmart,
#Action, #Habit,
#Manage, #Environment, #Make, #Attitude, #Allies,
#Professor, #Happiness,
#Laughter, #Coaching,
#Innovating, #Happiness,
#Dream, #Big, #meaning,
#Think Big Dream Bigger,
#Be A Leader with Big Dreams,
#Habits of Big Dreamers,
#Dream Big Work Smart,
#Believe You Can Succeed and You Will,
#Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease
#Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
#How to Dream Big like Smart Leaders
#How to Dream and Dream Creatively
#You Are What Your Dreams Are
#Use Goals to Help You Grow
#Manage Your Environment: Fly First Class
#Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
#Dream Right Toward People
#Get the Action Habit
#How to Turn Defeat into Victory
#Use Goals to Help You Grow
#How to Dream like a Leader
#Think Out Of The Box
#Good Decision Making Skills
#Effective Decision Making Skills
#Quick Decision Making Skills
#Interpersonal Communication to Convince & Lead People
#Build Customer Relationship with Team Members , Colleagues etc
#Increasing Risk Taking Capacity inside Oneself
Dream Big like Smart Leaders
#Habits of Big Dreamers,
#How to Dream Big like Leaders
# Smart Leaders Vs Hard Workers
#Water Melon Story
Problem Solving Skills
Finding Opportunity in a Problem to Grow in Midst of Crisis with limited Resources
Breaking Barriers of Fear , Doubt , Low
- Confidence, Inferiority Complex to achieve a Goal & becoming Bold & Confident
- Mind Programming Techniques
How to be Stable in Adversity & Problems- Mind Programming Techniques
Mind Process & Programming to come.out of Blame Game of Life & Taking Responsibility & Control of life Situations
"Stress Management Techniques to Release Negative Emotions & Thought Patterns
Increaing The LEARNER CAPACITY inside us
Dealing With Failure & Criticism
How to Develop " Everything is Possible " Attitude
Techniques to Develop more Trust and Belief in oneself
Taking Strong Intent & Manifesting Goals & Desires
Creating Possibility out of Nothing
How to be your Own Creator
Increasing Creative Quotient Tips- CQ
Developing Connection with Nature & Universe
How to be Unaffected by Anything- Failure /Success , Happiness/ Sadness
What is Surrender & How to Develop Surrender Attitude
Connecting With Universe and getting the work done' from Universe or God
Thinking Beyond You & Creating Greater for others around You .
Being in a State of Contribution Always
How to go in Peace State of Mind Easily
How to develop Gratitude for Everything & Everyone Around
Dream Big Work Smart
1. Believe You Can Succeed and You Will Anjali Chichani MBA
2. Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease
3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
4. How to Dream Big
5. How to Dream and Dream Creatively
6. You Are What You Dream You Are
7. Manage Your Environment: Fly First Class
8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
9. Dream Right Toward People
10. Get the Action Habit
11. How to Turn Defeat into Victory
12. Use Goals to Help You Grow
13. How to Dream like a Leader
14. Think Out Of The Box
15 Dream Big work hard
Dream Big Work Smart
#Dream Big quotes
#Dream Big work smart
#famous quotes about Dreams
Dream Big Images
A Leader with Big Dreams
Dream Big quotes goodreads
work hard Dream Big meaning
Dream Big quotes wallpaper
Think Big Dream Big Blog
Dream quotes
work hard quotes
let your Dreams be your wings meaning
Dream Big essay
Dream Big quotes
every woman's Dream quotes
Dream Big quotes for daughter
Big Dream status
Think Big Dream Bigger
Bigger goals quotes
Big quotation marks
think Big quotes
long quotes
@Anuja Malkar MBA HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
Manage things Better As Manager
@Anjali Chichani MBA Manager HR AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
Manage things Better As Manager
If your Dream doesnβt scare you, itβs too Small.
Far too often we settle. We settle for what is easy. We settle for what is possible. We settle for the practical opportunities that present themselves, relegating our Dreams to the worlds of fancy that exist only within our minds.
But what if we were called to more?
What if you were meant to do something bigger? Something greater?
This is the challenge we face as leaders. The question "How do we hold onto the vision in the face of reality?" is one that haunts each of us every day. Here are three practical tips that can help each us in our quest to reach for the moon AND hit the stars:
Never lose sight of the Dream: Our Dreams are what Motivate us. They are the passions, the inner stirrings that excite us and that keep us going. While the realities of our day-to-day can easily consume our priorities, the struggle of every leader must be to never lose sight of the Dream. Less we end up doing things that undermine our ability to actually reach our Dreams.
Hold the Dream and reality in tension: If your Dream isn't in conflict with your reality, then you must reconsider whether it's a Dream at all. Our Dreams should stretch us. They should force us out of our comfort zones and push us to strive toward things that we previously thought impossible. That's the point of Dreaming! This will help us to continue to drive toward the possible "impossibilities" that lay ahead.
Don't be afraid to Dream bigger: How can the impossible become possible if you can't even imagine or Dream up the impossible? Every great invention, every great innovation started as a Dream. The lightbulb, the Internet, the iPhone... Each started as an idea or whim of fancy that Edison and others imagined. Our task is to let our Dreams take us to places we never before thought possible. And when we get there, to Dream even bigger!
Tagged: Leadership, Dream, Imagine, Millennials, Success, Motivation
@Isha Srivastava [MBA-HR] Manager HR Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
#Habits #BigDreamers,
#Believe You Can #Succeed and You #Will
#Dream, #Big, #Smart, #Leaders,
#DreamBig #WorkSmart,
#Action, #Habit,
#Manage, #Environment, #Make, #Attitude, #Allies,
#Professor, #Happiness,
#Laughter, #Coaching,
#Innovating, #Happiness,
#Dream, #Big, #meaning,
@Patricia Persis Emmanual
#Time, #Management, #Stress, #Management
# pdf, #jobs, #career,
Time Management is Money for Smart Managers by
@Pallavi Pandey MBA BDM
@nisha jain Manager FinTech Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Manisha Routray Social Media Manager Aircrew Aviation Pvt Ltd.
@Kajal Jha HR Manager AirCrew Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
SIP 2020 by Sumi Sunny Manager AirCrew Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
@Kumari Roshani [MBA-HR] manager HR AirCrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
Time Management a necessity for all Business Organisation
@Shaivali Tripathi
Time Management is the Secret to living your Best Life.
Leader vs Manager
@Sakchi Shrivastava HR Manager AirCrew aviation Pvt. Ltd
@Sanskriti Wadhwani [ BBA-RM ] Head school of internship Aircrews Aviation pvt. ltd.
@Shipra Kumari HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
#Time, #Management, #Stress, #Management, #time_management_skills, #types_time_management,
#management_tools,#techniques, #strategies, presentation, # pdf, #jobs, #career, #introduction
@Anjali Chichani MBA Manager HR AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Tanya Jayshwal MBA Manager HR AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Muskan Motwani Marketing Manager AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd.
Gender Differences at Workplace
@Janhavi Sawant HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt.Ltd
#Time, #Management, #Stress, #Management
# pdf, #jobs, #career,
#Think Big Dream Bigger,
#Be A Leader with Big Dreams,
#Habits of Big Dreamers,
#Dream Big Work Smart,
#Believe You Can Succeed and You Will,
#Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the Failure Disease
#Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
#How to Dream Big like Smart Leaders
#How to Dream and Dream Creatively
#You Are What Your Dreams Are
#Use Goals to Help You Grow
@Shweta Upreti MBA manager HR (Internship InCharge) Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
@Kassandra Dias HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt Limited
#ThinkBig, #DreamBigger,
#Be A Leader, #Big Dreams,
#Habits, #Big Dreamers,
#Dream Big Work Smart,
#Believe You Can Succeed and You Will,
The Magic of Time Management for Smart Managers
1)Time Management is Money for Smart Managers
2)Do Time Management Leads to increased Productivity?
3)How do you Manage Time to meet Deadlines?
4)How do you Manage Time to create a balance between Work life and Personal life?
5)How do you Manage Time as an busy Smart Entrepreneur?
6)Why Time Management important in Aviation?
7)Time Management is a key importance for a Successful and less stressful life. Discuss
8)Time Management is about more than Life Hacks.Discuss
9)Do you think Aviation Industry is the most proffesional industry with regards to Time Management and iconic representation to world.Discuss
10)Time Management vs Stress Problems.
11)Time Management creates discipline or Vice Versa.Discuss
12)Importance of Time Management in Youth's life.
13) How Time Mangement skills can be learned and enhanced?
14)Time Management and Leadership
15)How to Manage Time effectively as Workplace Leader?
16) Time is a scarest resource and unless it is Managed nothing else can be Managed.Discuss
17)Do you think Time Management skill is the most important skill that a Manager should have?Discuss
18)Is Time Management an necessity for all Business Organisation.Discuss
19)Common pitfalls of Time Management that one should avoid.
20) Time Management is the Secret to Living your Best Life ! Discuss
21) Why a full-scale discussion of The Magic of Time Management for Dreaming Big
Tagged: Magic, Time Management, Dreaming Big, Leadership, Dream, Imagine, Millennials, Success, Motivation
Topic :Happiness and Motivation
1)Are Happy Managers more Productive?
2)Workplace Happiness and employee Motivation.
3) Money cant buy Happiness but could it Motivate you to live a better life?
4)How a workplace leader can create a Happy and satisfying environment for its subordinates?
5)Do Happiest People are most Motivated People?
6)Do Motivation and Happiness goes hand in hand?
7)Correlation between Motivation and Efficiency.
8)Employee performance Appraisal and Motivation.
9)As an HR Manager what all things you can do for your subordinates so that they feel Motivated and Happy to do their work at best?
10)The real difference between being successful and being Happy.
11)In what ways you can help an depressed person to be Happy and self Motivated.What efforts you can do for them?
12)What are the things you follow to keep yourself Happy and Motivated?
13)Do Brands become sources of Motivation for Consumer Happiness ?
14)Success or Happiness -what is most important?
15)Do student level of Motivation in studies is related to their level of Happiness?
16)What kind of workplace culture do you think increases Motivation level of an employee?
17)Motivation and leadership.
18)Is Happiness a choice.
19)How to Spark intrinsic Motivation in your team members?
20)Does spirituality make you Happy?
21)Which is key to Happiness:High salary or job satisfaction?
22)A good career key to Happiness!
23)Health and Impact of unHappiness
24)Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life .
25)Is Money essential to Happiness?
Magic, Time Management, Dreaming Big, Leadership, Dream, Imagine, Millennials, Success, Motivation
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