Sunday 28 June 2020

Dream Big Work Smart

Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen” 
So many people live within unhappy situations and circumstances. We often get used to the negative situations we are in and we get comfortable and secure. Some individuals make it a habit to complain that others have more than them, or that others have it better and easier. The truth is…a lot of people want to be successful until they see what it actually takes to get there. If you want to change your life, then start setting goals and make a realistic plan to achieve it. Give up on excuses and let go of your past. Start with what you have now and take responsibility for your actions. Stop wallowing in the blame game and victim cycle. Be grateful for what is going right in your life and what you are blessed with and be happy for others. Learn from successful people and adopt their work ethics. If you want to be like them, then you have to start working like them. Moreover, adopt their mindset, learn from their mistakes, improve and be better. If you want to achieve a goal, then put in extra hours to get where you want to be.  In other words, don’t let your circumstances define who you are, where you are and what you do. Define yourself!
People who wake up without a plan often procrastinate as half of their day is already gone by the time they start doing their work. Do you set goals?  I set new goals regularly and I revaluate my methods to progress. Start evaluating your life too. Look back at the progress you have made so far and the “mistakes” you have made before. Learn from the past and figure out a plan so you can avoid the setbacks this time around. Be honest with yourself. Start thinking about how you want to change or improve your habits and methods. You don’t need to be perfect! Let go of thoughts that inhibit your growth. 
“A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.” – Joe Vitale.Do you wake up every morning and feel excited for what you will be doing? What would you like to do more of in your life right now? Set goals that make you want to get out of bed in the morning and work smart to achieve them. Moreover, your goals should reflect your values. Start by using S.M.A.R.T goals setting. Set Specific and Measurable goals. By adding details to your goals, you are developing a clear understanding of what has to be achieved. Be realistic and break your bigger goals into mini goals. Make a programme and set time every week to work on each goal. Moreover, start to think about the specific things you would need in order to achieve these goals. Set a goal accomplishment date for your goal and start by writing down at least three actions steps for each goal to meet your own deadlines (you can add more as you progress). Track your habits and progress. Additionally, visualize your goals! Make a vision board and write down your goals for the year in your personal planner. This is so important!
The basic rule for success is for you to continue to remind yourself that you are where you are, and what you are because of yourself. You are in your current situation because you have decided to be there.
"Positive Thinking Will Change Your Life"
Here is another rule:  “If you want your life to get better, you have to get better.”
This simply means that your outer world will be a reflection of your inner world. If you want your outer world to improve, you must go to work on improving your inner world.
The great tragedy is that the world is full of people who are trying to change the outside world without going to work on the one thing that they can control, their own thinking!
"Change Your Thinking"
Here is another rule: “If you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life.”
And since you can change the quality of your thinking almost infinitely, there are no limits on how you can change and improve every part of your life, in any direction you want to go.
"The Power of Positive Knowing"
What is better than positive thinking is “positive knowledge.” 
This is where you take the steps and do the things that bring you to the point where you absolutely know, with complete certainty, that you can achieve your goals and be the kind of success that it is possible for you to be.
"Dream Big, You Have No Limits"
A wise man once said, “You must dream big dreams for only big dreams have the power to move the minds of men.”
The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It is for you to, “dream big dreams.” 
There is nothing more important, and nothing that works faster than for you to cast off your own limitations and begin dreaming and fantasizing about the wonderful things that you can become and have and do.

#Habits of  #BigDreamers,
#Believe You Can #Succeed and You #Will
#Dream,  #Big, #Smart, #Leaders, 
#DreamBig WorkSmart,
#Action, #Habit,   
#Manage,  #Environment, #Make, #Attitude, #Allies, 

   HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
#Dream Big Work Smart,

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