Monday 29 June 2020

Be a leader with Big Dreams!!

Be a leader with Big Dreams!!
If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s too small!!
Often there is only one thing that exactly drive ourselves and force ourselves behind our  biggest efforts in life i.e. "DREAMS". It is truly doesn't matter at all whether how big or small your Dreams are but what's important - You Believe In Them enough to work hard until you achieve them.
Far too often we settle. We settle for what is easy. We settle for what is possible. We settle for the practical opportunities that present themselves, relegating our dreams to the worlds of fancy that exist only within our minds.
But what if we were called to more?
What if you were meant to do something bigger? Something greater?
This is the challenge we face as leaders. The question "How do we hold onto the vision in the face of reality?" is one that haunts each of us every day. Here are three practical tips that can help each us in our quest to reach for the moon AND hit the stars: 
Never lose sight of the dream: Our dreams are what motivate us. They are the passions, the inner stirrings that excite us and that keep us going. While the realities of our day-to-day can easily consume our priorities, the struggle of every leader must be to never lose sight of the dream. Less we end up doing things that undermine our ability to actually reach our dreams.
Hold the dream and reality in tension: If your dream isn't in conflict with your reality, then you must reconsider whether it's a dream at all. Our dreams should stretch us. They should force us out of our comfort zones and push us to strive toward things that we previously thought impossible. That's the point of dreaming! This will help us to continue to drive toward the possible "impossibilities" that lay ahead.
Don't be afraid to dream bigger: How can the impossible become possible if you can't even imagine or dream up the impossible? Every great invention, every great innovation started as a dream. The lightbulb, the Internet, the iPhone... Each started as an idea or whim of fancy that Edison and others imagined. Our task is to let our dreams take us to places we never before thought possible. And when we get there, to dream even bigger! 
Always Remember
The key to success lies in the course of action that follows dreaming big. Winners get started in their attempts to achieve the dreams whereas a normal person stays back amidst anticipation. It is this difference in stance that decides the outcomes.
"Your Beautiful Dream Job Doesn't Even Exist Until You Must Create It".

Saksham Malhotra
HR Manager
Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd 
Email id:
@Saksham Malhotra HR Manager Aircrews Aviation Pvt Ltd 

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