Monday 29 June 2020

Leader vs Manager

Leader vs Manager 

A leader is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal whereas a manager is someone who is responsible for controlling or administering an organization or a group of staff. Now imagine an organization only with leaders. Would you be able to work at such a place? Or a place where there are only managers? Is it possible to work at such a place? Too much of one thing can end up creating chaos, and therefore we all need balance. Balance promotes harmony and peace. There has to be both leaders as well as managers in the organization. Having only one, could end up creating a problem.
Leaders and managers have different roles to perform in an organization. A French industrialist, Henri Fayol said that managers perform five major functions in the organization. It includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. When we talk about leaders, they are the representatives in the organization who have a charismatic nature and influence the followers to work towards achievement of organizational goals.
The managers are the problem solvers of the organization. They need to possess leadership qualities as well so that they could work smoothly in the organization. It takes neither genius nor heroism to be a manager, but rather persistence, tough-mindedness, hard work, intelligence, analytical ability and perhaps most importantly, tolerance and goodwill. Leaders on the other hand might need a bit of heroism. They need to have a desire to lead, confidence, charisma, enthusiasm, strength, bravery, and integrity. A leader needs to possess such qualities in order to be an amazing leader.
In the fast-growing world, having only managers or leaders will not work for the organization. ‘Managerial leadership’ is a new term which has emerged in order to solve problems associated with leaders and managers. A managerial leader possesses the qualities of both a leader and a manager. There are three famous styles of managerial leadership: Democratic style- where the leaders involve the subordinates, delegate authority and encourage participation next is Autocratic style- where the leader decides the work method and limit the participation and lastly Laissez-faire style- where the subordinates are given the freedom to distribute and complete the work. Managerial leadership has proved to be very effective in the organizations.

Having good managers, efficient leaders and of course by following the styles of managerial leadership, organizations can achieve great heights of success. 

Kajal Jha MBA
HR Manager
AirCrew Aviation Pvt. Ltd.
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