Monday 6 July 2020

How do you Manage Time as a busy Smart Manager / Entrepreneur by Harshada Shinde [MBA FA] Manager Fintech AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd

How do you Manage Time as a busy Smart Manager / Entrepreneur
Time is one of life’s most valuable aspect as it is
something you can never get back. Time management is really life management. One of the most essential life skills to master is time management.If you often find yourself run down by your daily workload or overwhelmed by the complexity of projects and tasks in your life, it is likely because you have not fully mastered effective time management.Find inspiration so it will always be a purpose for your working as well as living. Get a mentor who can guide you. Even friends can help in crucial times. Have a talk. Focus on one thing at a time. Start small. Complete activities one by one.Smart managers often manage their schedules.Being a smart person you should always set your goals right way. One study suggests that you should work for 52 minutes and break for 17. You might not have the luxury to do that. But you should take frequent breaks. If you're an entrepreneur working for yourself, this is crucial. It's easy to run on fumes and not even know it. Keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels by breaking frequently. Be always ready for rejections and improvements as life is all about learning and improving yourself. No one is perfect. But we can reach perfection step by step by working on self development and growth.Here are some tips to manage time as a busy Smart Manager/Entrepreneur

1.Prioritize and make a weekly task list which is achievable 
2. Make relevant time schedules as per the nature of work 
3.Improve communication 
4.Seek clarity in work from co-workers 
5.Learn to say NO
6.Group meetings and calls into blocks
7.Use appointment slots
8.Plan your exercise and family time
9. Keep a difference between your personal and professional life
10.Seek for regular reporting from team members or colleagues

Harshada Shinde [MBA FA]
Manager Fintech
AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd

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