Thursday 30 July 2020

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HR (at the end of the interview)- 

Do you have any questions for me ?

Me - Yes, I have one.

HR- Sure, Go ahead

Me - 

Where do you see me in 5 years ?

HR - 
laughed a little, isn’t that supposed to be my question?

Me - 
🙂 It’s mine actually.

Sundar Pichai joined Google in 2004 and was promoted to VP Product Development in 2008 (he was not declined because he has less experience here or there were others who had been in Google for more years) .

In 2009, he was given the opportunity to introduce Google Chrome And Apps. (He was heard and trusted for the biggest tasks by the management)

Rest is history ❤️

Many of the companies follow a contemporary fashion of promotion based on number of years spent in the company rather than skills.

I personally think, it’s old way and must be changed.

Did I ask wrong question? Only years spend in a company is enough of a parameter for promotion? Is it bad if you ask for a promotion or even double promotion after 1 year of joining (Offcourse if you deserve) ?

Write your views in the comment. 💛

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