Thursday 6 August 2020

Perception and Biases of new Joinee Employees Roshni Rathod Business Analytics Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd

Perception and Biases of newly Joined Employees
In employee relations, perception is a major factor. Most of the times, it is formed by organizational roles, styles of leadership, styles of communication at the workplace etc. and so it is very important that the organization be able to form the correct perception in the minds of its employees. Thus a proper and effective supervision is required to prevent employees from having a wrong understanding.
In terms of perceptions, research has shown that what employees perceive from their work situation influences their productivity most. Therefore, to influence productivity, it is necessary for employers to assess how workers perceive their jobs.
Likewise, non-appearance, turnover and job satisfaction have more to do with an employee’s perception of the job. Those individuals who perceive their jobs as negative are likely to have increased non-appearance, more frequent turnover and less job satisfaction.
That we all know about interview within the first few minutes of the interview, the interviewer has learned some information about the interviewee and has formed an impression based on various perceptions. The interviewer then decides whether the candidate is a good fit with the company.
Working hard to ensure employees and their managers (and the employer, too) understand each-others’ motivations in decisions large and small.
I am biased, you are biased, all humans are biased. 
Recency bias
When reviewing an employee’s performance, managers tend to focus on the most recent time period instead of the total time period. 
Primary bias:
When reviewing employee performance, managers focus on information learned early on in the relationship, like first impressions.
Central tendency bias:
The tendency to rate most items in the middle of a rating scale.
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to search for or interpret new information in a way that confirms a person’s preexisting beliefs. Similarly, if you initially think someone might be a bad apple, you are much more likely to seek out (and find) information that confirms your initial suspicion.
Gender bias
When giving feedback, individuals tend to focus more on the personality and attitudes of women. Contrarily, they focus more on behaviors and accomplishments of men. This exacerbates gender bias, growth/promotion opportunities, and the pay gap
Similar to me bias
Occurs when a person defaults to choosing a candidate who is most similar to them and can hurt candidates who are qualified but come from a different background than their interviewer

Roshni Rathod 
Business Analytics
Aircrews Aviation Pvt. Ltd
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