Friday 1 May 2020

How to make money by Travel Blogging and how to be a successful Travel Blogger

On my previous blog I wrote about How to Become a Good Travel Blogger


Today I will share some tips on how to make money as a Travel Blogger and be successful.

It might sound easy and fascinating but practically its not. People think that Travel Bloggers Make a lot of Money. 

Is that true?

Like every other work, Travel Blogging as well needs lot of Smart Work rather hard-work and dedication. You will not be able to make money overnight or gain success overnight. On the other end, its not very difficult as well. The major problem is that most people don't know how its done.

Let me put it across this way, you need to love your job. The moment you love your job, its no longer a job but it becomes your hobby. When you love something, you show your dedication towards it. You willingly work for hours to get it done and trust me this is a fact.
You need to get an excellent eye catchy content. You have to be unique. You have to be real. People will easily spot if you try to fake. Be honest towards your work and give it your best shot.

Writing Travel Blogs on destinations without visiting that destination is common. Many Bloggers tend to do this but do you think people will enjoy reading such blogs?
Write on destinations that you've have been. When you write on destinations you have been, you have a good knowledge to write your blogs. You will be able to add the spice that's required and make it interesting.

1. Create a portfolio
Invest good amount of time in preparing an outstanding content on your blog. Write daily for about 3 - 4 months. Make your blog a resume to get Freelancing jobs. This will help you in getting experience, exposure and money. Isn't this an amazing idea? Experience is a must to be successful.

2. Work as a Virtual assistant.
Many well known bloggers out there require a Virtual assistant to help them with their content. This is another brilliant way of earning money. You will not just earn but learn to be perfect. This will certainly help you to climb the ladder towards success.
Some bloggers upload on their social networking sites that they are looking for a virtual assistant. This is a perfect way to get in touch with them. You can also contact them directly.

3. Promote  [ Very Important] 
This might not help you initially but eventually it will. Give an honest opinion about the product you have used. For example, Hotels you book, Travel Insurance you use, clothing brand, Trekking items you bought from an online store or brand etc.
Make sure that you be honest while sharing your opinions because your audience will believe you.

4. Sell Your Original Photographs

Photography plays a very important role in Travel Blogging. If you are not good at it, I would suggest you to invest some time or money and be a pro.
There are free as well paid sites where you can sell your photographs. This will add some money to your wallet.

5. Write Good Reviews.
This comes in the later stage of blogging however, most Travel Bloggers make good amount of money by writing reviews.
When you have a good audience and a creative content, companies would reach out to you. You will get a sponsored trip and your work will be to write a review about the Travel Package, Guide, Hotel, Food, Flight etc. This sounds interesting isn't it? Yes of-course it is however, you will have to work for long hours and make sure you don't miss a single chance in giving the best only than you will be given a second call.
If you wish to, you may as well directly approach the companies and ask them if they wish to collaborate with you. Like I said earlier, your Blog is your Resume. You need to be amazing to get spotted and selected.

Almost every successful Travel Bloggers are also YouTuber's. Not every body likes to read that's a fact, some people enjoy watching videos. To be honest, videos can attract more viewers. However, there are many things you to need to know such as videography, editing and mainly how you present yourself to the audience.
I'm sure you know how YouTube works. You need to built a strong audience. Ask your friends or families to share your content. Use all the social networking sites to promote your work and gain followers.

I hope these tips and tricks were useful and helped you to get a little knowledge on how to be a successful blogger and earn some money.

My honest advice to you, Have Patience. This isn't rocket science. You don't require a degree to be a Travel Blogger. All you need to do is write. Give your best and don't wait for opportunities to knock at your door.

" Create Your Own Opportunities."

Michelle Pascal Dsouza 

@Social Media  -

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