Wednesday 7 October 2020

Motivation Reality and Theory Organization Behaviour

An Ideal Organizational Culture at Start-Ups


Creating a Great Company Culture at Start-Up    

CANDIDA BRUSH, in an article for Forbes, started “Why is culture important in a new company? The failure or quit rate of a new ventures is around 50-60 percent during the first 2 years.

When a business closes their doors, one of the leading causes is leadership or management which is often stated as poor team composition, incompetence (living too high for the business or emotional decision making), all of which can be linked directly to culture.” 

What Is a Company Culture

Company culture is a combination of your shared vision, and the way your internal team and the organization acts. Typically, in a start-up situation, the culture is heavily influenced by the founders of the company. 

Five Steps to Get Started

Here are the five ways that you can start to understand and nurture your company culture as an early-stage startup, through to a mature organization 

Understand  Your Purpose 

Its important to understand your organizations purpose. A great way to do this is asking yourselves “so what”? and get the Centre of each direction. Purpose in your organization really matters; however only if you explain and share it with your team.

Define and document your values

You can create your own values using a six-step process;

Leadership brainstorming


Team brainstorming

Collation and refinement

Feedback cycle


Creating company values that boost company culture.

Hire with value-fit

I’m not suggesting that technical or role specific skills aren’t important, however just as important to these skills is the ability for the new hire to fit within your culture. In your interview with a candidate, be open and specific about your values, as far as how they describe the culture you are creating.

Work Hard to Create a Positive Culture

Two things to work out to keep a positive culture:

Keep communication open: Not just between management, but between all levels of the business. Openness and transparency build a sense of ownership across the entire organization.

Treat your team right: I don’t mean with perks, although they can be great. Am talking treat everyone with respect and personal care. Everyone wants to be respected, and cared for.

Constantly review culture: As Mike Murchison said earlier, cultures evolve over time and you should be reviewing it regularly and value how effective your culture and cultural team are.


Creating a positive strong company culture at a start up is one way to help ensure longevity of your business. Taking time out to find out how the team is feeling and when your shared values are, is a great start towards building a company culture that will last as your team expand and your business gets bigger.

Even at early stages, you are creating a culture, whether consciously or not, so set aside time now to nurture it the way you want it to grow.

Fathima Shamsudheen

HR  Manager

AirCrew Aviation Pvt Ltd 

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@Fathima Shamsudheen  HR  Manager  AirCrew Aviation Pvt Ltd

Motivation Reality and Theory  [Organization Behaviour ] Organization Behaviour

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