Thursday 26 August 2021

Importance of Professional Communication Arshdeep Kaur

Importance of Professional Communication

eMail, WhatsApp, Meeting  Dos and Don'ts

Arshdeep Kaur 

Professional communication, encompasses written, oral, visual and digital communication within a workplace context. This discipline blends together pedagogical principles of rhetoric, technology, software, and learning theory to improve and deliver communication in a variety of settings ranging from technical writing to usability and digital media design to more effectively communicate in the business world.

1. Choosing the right channel for the right message

Ensure you pick the appropriate communication channel for the specific audience. For example, in some situations, it would be acceptable to merely send a text message or drop them an email, however there are situations where face- to-face or a phone call would be better.

2. Good communication equals employability

You may think that everyone can communicate, but that may be very far from the truth! Employers and management are always looking for candidates with good communication skills – such individuals get the job done faster, more efficiently and effectively.

3. Help others be on the same page

Without good professional communication, there is a high chance that people may misunderstand you. This causes many unwanted mistakes, confusion or even losses. Therefore, having good communication skills enables the minimization of miscommunication, resulting in smoother more efficient workflow.

4. Build esprit de corps aka team spirit

As much as expressing your ideas are essential, your ability to listen to other people’s ideas is just as important.  Building an environment of good healthy communication will also foster stronger team spirit, build relationship and cohesiveness of the group dynamics.

5. Be an inspiration to others

Building your presentation skills enables you to engage your audience, keep them focused on your message and inspire them to embrace your ideas.

Do: Have a strong communication plan.

Whether you are planning a meeting or wish to discuss something with your management team, have a clear message thought out beforehand. Keep your topic of the discussion precise and be sure to have your research done beforehand.

Don’t: Depend on technology for communication.

With so many new advancements in technology, it seems like there’s a new communication tool popping up every single day. These tools we use (e-mail, Slack, texting, other workplace messengers, etc.) make communication easier than ever, but at the same time, they can also disconnect us. 

Do: Understand your audience

 Everyone learns differently and especially as a team leader, it’s important to understand that. Take the time to get to know your team and be sure not to leave anyone out. Give people a purpose. When you trust employees with big roles, it can improve morale and increase engagement.

Don’t: Use negative body language

 Think carefully about your posture and what you’re doing with your body right now. When you’re more ‘open’ with your body language, you can exude more confidence and a willingness to be more open and approachable.

Do: Be consistent

It can be difficult to build relationships in the workplace if you’re inconsistent every day. 

Don’t: Overshare.

Be extremely careful to watch your language. What might have been acceptable in past workplaces you’ve been in, may not be acceptable in your new one.

Do: Listen actively

When someone is listening actively, they are fully engaged with what is being said and will use paraphrasing to clarify or ask questions to discuss certain details further to better understand what is being said.

Don’t: Be afraid to ask questions.

Asking more questions shows you are engaged and want to learn more about what is being discussed.

Being a good professional communicator takes effort, determination and training.  Effective communication skills is an integral soft skill which forms the cornerstone for a successful career in any field.

Arshdeep Kaur

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