SMM Worksheet 004 MJ
An Opportunity for Ex Jet Airways Staff As Co-Founder -
Banglore / Pune / Delhi / Your City
SMM Worksheet Day 005 SMM
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Please Keep your Gmail, WhatsApp, Facebook
Location for Commercial Pilot Program - Banglore / Pune / Delhi
1000Hrs To 1100 Hrs ♀️
Open and Check your Gmail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,Linkedin, Quora Open and Reply or share do the needful.
1100Hrs To 1200 Hrs ♀️
Open and Check your Gmail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,Linkedin, Quora Open and Reply or share do the needful.
1100Hrs To 1200 Hrs ♀️
Advt on
Best Book on Pilots Career Guidance
Asiatic International Aviation Corp is committed to the impartment of Theoretical Aviation knowledge to aspiring X / XI / XII pursuing Aviation enthusiasts.
Asiatic International Aviation Corp, is one of the largest and the most respected Flying Training Ground School in India and Asia.
Hundreds of students have built their Careers as Pilots while training with us.
The Indian economy is growing at an incredible pace and so is the Aviation sector, General Aviation, in particular, has taken off in a big way and both General and Civil Aviation Operators are purchasing aircraft (Fixed and Rotary wing) in large numbers.
If the aviation industry has some deficiency, it is the dearth of quality and skilled Pilots.
To fulfill this gap and to give wings to the dreams of aviation enthusiasts we have launched advanced online learning facilities on Pilot and Air Hostess ( Cabin Crew ) Training for X / XI / XII Standard Students.
For More Information Visit -
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1200Hrs To 1300 Hrs
1300Hrs To 1400 Hrs
Lunch Break 🧁

1400Hrs To 1500 Hrs
1400Hrs To 1500 Hrs
1500Hrs To 1600 Hrs 
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1600Hrs To 1700 Hrs
1700Hrs To 1800 Hrs ♀️
1700Hrs To 1800 Hrs 🏻♀️
Mansi Jain
HR Manager
AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
Shubham Bachane
Social Media Manager at AirCrews Aviation Pvt Ltd
Topic: Dr. Neepa Choksi - " Emotional Well Being"
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